Product Code: 629109
It is with good reason that peanut butter is viewed as an excellent snack and a feature of American cuisine. In this treat, you will find Loacker's take on this delicacy. Peanut butter is the result of a long and careful process that includes selecting the fruits, removing the outer layer, blanching, roasting and grinding them.
Natural: Loacker uses only natural, specially- selected and high quality raw materials. Everything contained in a Loacker package is in its natural state with no additives. Even the wrappers are 100% recyclable.
Light: The lightness of the Loacker products is the result of the unique crispy wafer, made in the old Austrian way, mixed with fine chocolate and creams.
Delicious: Clear mountain water, non-hydrogenated coconut oil, the fine chocolate, the specially selected hazelnuts from Naples or the authentic vanilla pods from the Bourbon islands are only some of the ingredients that melt delicately in your mouth when you taste a Loacker product.